A Special Vote is being held on Thursday, October 3rd 2019 from 6 am-9 pm at the High School, seeking voter approval to move ahead with the project.
A Public Hearing was held on Thursday, September 19 at 5:45 pm in the High School Media Center in regards to the District’s Aquatic Center Project.
On December 12, 2017 voters approved the project with an anticipated cost of $5,630,000. Bids received in April 2019 came in at $10,479,900 ($4,940,500 over budget). In August, the Board of Education decided to move forward with the project despite the lack of funds.
The new amount being requested from voters is $11,375,777. The District is requesting $4,615,000 be approved for use from the Capital Reserve Fund (up from the previously approved amount of $1,910,000). There is a tax levy for the amount of the project voters approved in December 2017.
Included in the original project was 8 lanes, 2 diving boards, ADA accessible ramp, 300 seat capacity, new entrance with public restrooms, and renovations to the locker rooms.
For more information use the link: