Sat., November 1-Crafts, Chinese Auction and Bake Sale (crafters still needed $20 per table-542-3583), 10 am-3 pm, Akron Fire Hall (1 Main St., Akron).
Saturday, Nov. 1-St. John’s Wine Night, Basket Raffle- doors open at 7 pm. $25 per person includes wine and beer tasting and music (DJ and live music). To purchase tix call 937-9483. Tables can be reserved for parties of 8 or more.
Saturday, November 1-Fall Gun Raffle, Alexander Fire Dept., 5-10 pm, $20, 14 prizes, floor raffles, and refreshments, 925 tickets sold. Tickets available at Alexander Corner Deli or by calling 585-813-5693.
Sunday, November 2-Soup Tasting Party and Bake Sale, 11-3 pm, Marilla Community Center (1810 Two Rod Rd.), sponsored by the Marilla Kiwanis Club. Soup, chili, crackers, salad, rolls, dessert and beverage. $8 adults,$4 children 5-10, children under 5 are free. Proceeds from bake sale benefit the Alden-Marilla Food Pantry.
Tuesday, November 4-Election Day Chicken BBQ and basket raffle, 11 am-6 pm, $9.75 includes beverage and dessert, Alden Substation (Broadway near Boncliff), sponsored by Alternative Care Services of WNY. Proceeds benefit Alden’s Meals on Wheels.
Saturday, November 8-Thank You Hoedown Dinner and Dance, dinner at 6 pm; dancing 8-11 pm (featuring Raw Hide), donations accepted, dinner features harvest stew, dessert and beverage. The public is invited. Info. call 937-6651.
Sat., November 8-Snowflake Bazaar, 10 am-3 pm, Trinity Episcopal Church of Lancaster (5448 Broadway), craft tables, rummage goods, baked goods, luncheon, clam chowder.
Sat., November 8-Avon Bingo, doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 1 pm, Alden Presbyterian Church (13298 Broadway), admission is a new or gently used toy and $1, Chinese auction to benefit Neat Repeats, bingo prizes are Avon products.
Saturday, November 9-Great Batavia Train Show, 9:30-3:30 pm, Clarion Hotel (8250 Park Rd., Batavia),
Sunday, November 9-Towel Bingo and Chinese auction, 11:30 am-1 pm, Holy Mother of the Rosary Parish Center (6298 Broadway, Lancaster). $5 admission.
Thursday, Nov. 13-Alden Historical Society annual meeting and pot luck supper, Community Center, 6 pm. Bring dish to pass
Sat., November 15-Meat and Turkey Raffle and Theme Basket Auction, doors open at 6, raffle starts at 7 pm. Bowmansville Fire Dept. (36 Main St., Bowmansville), $5 admission includes slice of pizza, beer, pop, coffee, and snacks.
Saturday, November 15-Pet Connection Chicken BBQ and Basket Auction, 3-6 pm, East Aurora Moose Lodge (905 Main St.), dinners are take out only, $9.50.
Sun., November 30-Christmas Arts and Crafts Show, Alexander Fire Dept. Rec. Hall, 10 am-3 pm, over 80 tables, free admission, table rental call Barbara 585-507-9930.