
Friday, April 24-Watoto Children’s Choir from Africa performs at Alden Mennonite Church (923 Two Rod Rd.), 7 pm.

Friday, April 24-St. John’s Alumni Theme Tray Raffle, 6 pm, reservations required by April 21st, call Kathy at 937-7056.

Friday, April 24-Chinese Auction, doors open at 5:30 pm, numbers drawn at 7:30 pm, Elma Fire Hall (2945 Bowen Road), $3 admission includes dessert and beverage, kitchen will be open.

Saturday, April 25-Alden Kiwanis Duck Race, at noon. Tickets $5 available at businesses with the yellow duck sign or from any Kiwanis member.

Saturday, April 25-House Soccer Registration, ages 4-16 at Alden Community Center from 10 am-noon, questions call Mike at 937-6711.

Saturday, April 25th-Natural Health Seminar – Learn from Dr. Kroll www.kenkrollmd.com, anti-aging and wellness specialist, and other speakers how to naturally reduce pain and inflammation, boost immune system, etc. and live healthier longer. Hamburg Fairgrounds, Carousel Banquet Rm. 9 am-noon. To reserve your free admission seats contact 257-9463; 992-9264; puregood@mail.com.

Saturday, April 25-“Hungry Bear” breakfast/brunch, Corfu United Pres. Church (63 Alleghany St.), 8:30 am-12:30 pm. $8 adults, $3.50 children 5-12, and under 5 are free.

Sunday, April 26-Towel Bingo and Chinese auction, doors open at 11:30 am, Bingo starts 1 pm, $5, Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral (6298 Broadway, Lancaster).

Sunday, April 26-Chicken BBQ, 11:30 am-sold out, Corfu Grange Hall (Route 77 (across from Pembroke IS), $10 for adults and $6 for kids. Eat in or take out.

Sunday, April 26-Spring Rescue Dog Adoption Event, noon-3 pm, Canine and Company (5952 Transit Rd.).

Tuesday, April 28-MS Tip Night at My Saloon (Rt. 20, Darien Ctr.). All tips donated from 6 pm-midnight are donated to team “Julie’s Jedi’s” who participate in the Buffalo MS Walk. Karaoke, Chinese auction, raffles, and “spin to win” wheel.

Thursday, April 30-Spaghetti Dinner 4:30-6:30 pm at St. John the Baptist School, adults $8, children 5-12 $5 and children under 5 are free, tickets at the door. Sponsored by the Grant Writing Committee.


Friday, May 1-WhyLifeMinistries Evening For Life Event, Arrowhead Golf Club (12292 Clarence Center Rd.), dinner, guest speaker, and live auction. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Tickets $40 or $300 per table , 937-7815.

Saturday, May 2-Alden Youth Baseball Opening Day Parade, 9:30 am.

Saturday, May 2-Rummage sale, 9 am-noon at Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral (6298 Broadway, Lancaster), $1 admission, bag sale at 11 am, refreshments available.

Sunday, May 3-Chicken BBQ (or Ribs), pick-up noon-2 pm, St Maximilian Kolbe at East Pembroke Hall.

Sunday, May 3-Pet Connections Program, Inc. Fundraiser, 1-4 pm, at Mooney’s (6513 Broadway, Lancaster), free entry, free food, Chinese Auction, silent auction, door prizes.

Sunday, May 3-Chicken BBQ, noon until sold-out, Cowlesville Fire Hall (Clinton St.).

May 7, 9, 14 and 16 at 7:30 pm and May 17 at 1:30 pm. The Alden Christian Theatre Society, Inc. (ACTS), 1470 Church Street in the Village of Alden, will perform Acts the Musical. Tickets are available by calling the ACTS Reservation line at 716-937-7770.

Saturday, May 9- Ladies day Marketplace, 10 am-2 pm, Town Line Lutheran Church (1159 Town Line Rd.), $1 admission includes door prize ticket and benefits The Town Line Youth and Harvest House.

Saturday, May 9-Mother’s Day Tea, Hull Family Home and farmstead (5962 Genesee St., Lanc.), seatings at 11 am and 2 pm. Adults $20, children under 10 are $10. Reservations required-call 741-7032.

Saturday, May 9-Hot Dog and Pie Sale, 11 am-2 pm, Valu Home Center (Broadway in the Village of Alden), sponsored by Alden’s Meals on Wheels.

Tuesday, May 12-School Budget Hearing, 7 pm, High School Library.

Thursday, May 14, 7 PM, at the Community Center, Alden Historical Society presents “Celebrate Buffalo’s Grain Elevators.”

Saturday, May 16-Flea Market with Penny Sale/Auction, 9 am-2 pm, Elma Fire Hall (2945 Bowen Rd.), for tables call Amanda at 863-8908.

Tuesday, May 19-Chicken BBQ along side the SchoolBudget Vote, Art Show and Concert. To benefit 7th grade Washington D.C. trip next year.

Weds., May 20-Drive-thru Chicken BBQ, 4-7 pm, Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral (6298 Broadway, Lancaster), benefits Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

Wednesday, May 20-Alden Garden Club Plant Auction, 6 pm at Alden Community Center.

Wednesday, May 20-Spaghetti Dinner and Bake Sale, 4-7 pm, Crittenden Presbyterian Church )3320 Crittenden Road), take out available. Adults $7.50, children 6-12 $3.50, and 5 and under are free. For tickets call Judy at 542-4861.