Saturday, November 5- Craft and Vendor Show, 12-4 pm, Village of Alden Municipal Building (13336 Broadway), free admission, sponsored by Alden Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary.
Saturday, November 5- Pet Connection’s Chicken BBQ and Basket Auction, 3-6 pm, Variety Club Banquet Hall (6114 Broadway, Lanc.), dinners $10.
Sat., November 5- Blue Grass Concert and Ham dinner, Community Fellowship Church (Route 104 and Johnson Cr. Rd.), 6 pm, $15 (pre-sale tix recommended), for tickets and info. call Pastor Szalay at 628-1275.
Saturday, November 5- Theme Basket Luncheon at The Columns Banquets in Elma. Over 80 baskets, silent auction, buffet lunch. $30, for tickets call 668-5804.
Saturday, November 5- Alexander Fire Dept. Fall Gun Raffle, 5-10 pm, 14 prizes, food, beer, pop, floor raffles. $20, tickets at Alexander Corner Deli or call 585-813-5693.
Sunday, November 6- Veteran’s day Steak Dinner, noon-4 pm, $13, take out or eat in, Lt. Col Matt Urban VFW Post 7275 (3741 walden Ave., Lancaster).
Sunday, November 6- Spaghetti Dinner, noon- 4 pm, St. Basil’s Ukrainian Catholic Church (12 Embry Place, Lancaster), $10. 683-0313.
Sunday, November 6- Towel Bingo, Holy Mother of the Rosary (6298 Broadway, Lanc.), doors open at 11:30 am, Bingo at 1 pm. $5 admission includes board, chance on door prize, coffee and dessert. Also, Chinese Auction.
Sunday, November 6- Soup Tasting Party, the Marilla Community Center, 1810 Two Rod Road from 11 am to 3 pm or until sold out. A Bake Sale will also be held that day to benefit the Alden-Marilla Food Pantry.
Tuesday, November 8- Election day Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ, 3-7 pm, 12482 Broadway (near Sandridge Rd.), $10 includes dessert, to benefit Alden’s Meals on Wheels.
Wednesday, November 9- Lancaster Garden Club’s Beauty of Nature, 7 pm, $10 includes refreshments, appetizers, desserts, basket auction, floral door prizes. Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral (6298 Broadway, Lanc.). 681-0744.
Thursday, November 10- 6 pm, Alden Historical Society annual meeting and pot luck supper at the Community Center.
Friday, November 11-Comdey Night featuring Comedy Sportz, Akron Fire Hall, show starts at 8 pm, $25 per person (2 free drinks), ages 18 and over, basket raffle, light appetizers, for tickets call 697-3088. Sponsored by Akron Parents’ Assoc. Nursery School.
Saturday, November 12- Alden Hook and ladder Fire Company Fall Sportsman raffle, 6-10 pm, 11 main ticket raffles and 7 side raffles, food and refreshments,
Saturday, Nov. 12- Auslanders- Novemberfest and sweepstakes drawing at St. John’s School Hall, ticket $5 includes pop, chips, and pretzels. Beer and wine available. Bring you own snacks. 7 pm. Tickets/reservations call 937-7588.
Sat., November 12- Craft and Vendor Fair, Chinese auction, bake sale, 9-3 pm, Alden Presbyterian Church, $1 donation or canned good for Food Pantry.
Sat., November 12-Fund Raiser for Scott Ginter, 7-10 pm, Vinny’s Sports Bar (2704 Clinton St., W. Seneca), 870-2527.
Sat., November 12- Craft Show to benefit Lancaster opera House, 9 am-3 pm, $1 donation at the door, Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral (6298 Broadway, Lancaster), info. at
Saturday, November 12- Free Thanksgiving Dinner, 4-6 pm, Marilla United Methodist Church (1910 Two Rod Road), dine in or take out.
Sunday, November 13- Genesee Society of Model Engineers Great Batavia Train Show, 9:30-3:30 pm, Clarion Hotel, Batavia. Vendor tables, door prizes.
Saturday, November 19- Millgrove Bible Church Clothes Closet (Genesee St.) open from 9 am-noon (free clothing to those in need).
Saturday, November 19- Fund Raiser for Barb King, 1-5 pm, Townline Lutheran Church (1159 Town Line Rd.), $2 admission, basket raffle, light refreshments, 50/50.
Saturday, November 19- Half Way to Dyngus day Party, 4-8 pm. Free Polish food, drink specials, Polish music, Lt. Col Matt Urban VFW Post 7275 (3741 walden Ave., Lancaster).
Sunday, November 20- Luncheon/Bazaar, 11 am-2 pm, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church (10675 Alleghany Rd. (Rt. 77), Darien. Baked goods, cookie booth, crafts, raffles, lunch, Santa visit.
Sunday, November 27- Annual Holiday Bazaar and Wreath sale to benefit Ten Lives club, 1-6 pm, Knights of Columbus (36 Pierce Ave., Hamburg).
Sunday, November 27- Christmas Arts and Crafts Show, Alexander Fire Department Rec. Hall, 10 am-3 pm. Over 80 tables, free admission, refreshments available. Table rentals or info. call Barbara at 585-507-9930.