February 2015
Thursday, February 12- Alden Historical Society presents “The World Through a Camera Lens” at 7 pm at the Community Center.
Saturday, February 21- Ugliest Christmas Sweater Dance, 8-11 pm, Music, drink specials, bell jar, 50/50, bring your own snacks. Tickets $8 pre-sale or $10 at the door. Lancaster VFW Lt. Col Urban Post 7275 (3741 Walden Ave., Lancaster). Info., tickets, tables of 10 call 681-8387.
Sunday, February 22- Daytona 500 Bash. Prizes, Chinese auction, drink specials. Lancaster VFW Lt. Col Urban Post 7275 (3741 Walden Ave., Lancaster). 681-8387.
Friday, February 27- Lenton Fish Fry at Corfu United Presbyterian Church, 4:30-7 pm, $10 or chicken fingers for $9. Eat in or take out (63 Alleghany St., Corfu. Limited tickets available at the door, call 585-599-6414.
Fri. and Sat., Feb.27 and 28-Godspell at ACTS, tickets call 937-7770.
March 2015
Sun., March 1-Godspell at ACTS, tickets call 937-7770.
Tuesday, March 3-St. John’s Pee wee Open House, 6-7:30 pm, for families with children ready to enter Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, and Kindergarten. RSVP to the school by Feb. 23rd.937-9483.
Fri.-Sun., March 6-8 – Godspell at ACTS, tickets call 937-7770.
Friday, March 6-AARP Driving Course, Alden Community Center, 9 am-3:30 pm. $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members. Register-Dan at 902-4088.
Saturday, March 7-Chili Cook-Off, 3-6 pm (judging 2:30-3 pm), VFW of the US Post 7275 (3741 Walden Ave., Lancaster). Open to all. $10 entry fee. For info. and forms call 681-8387.
Saturday, March 7-Chix BBQ and Basket Raffle for Pet Connection Programs, Inc. 3-6 pm at Variety Club Banquet Hall (6114 Broadway, Lancaster). Dinners are take-out only, $9.50. www.petconnectionprogramsinc.com.
Sat., March 7-Corned Beef Dinner, 4:30 pm, Marilla UMC Church.
Sunday, March 8-Four Hour Pet Tech. First Aid Class, 8 am-noon. Canine and Co., (5952 Transit Rd., Depew). $75. Register at PetTech.net.
Tuesday, March 10-unyts Blood Drive, Alden High School, 7:30 am-2 pm.
Sunday, March 15-Kiwanis Club of Marilla Pancake Breakfast, 8 am-1 pm, Marilla Fire Company Rec. Hall (West Ave.).
Sunday, March 15-Annual Irish Tea, Hull Family Home and Farmstead (5962 Genesee St., Lancaster). Tea sandwiches, muffins, scones, and petit desserts. Seating at 11 am and 2 pm. $20 or $15 for children 8-10. Reservations made at 741-7032. Tours from noon-4 pm for tea guests.
Friday, March 20-St. John’s HSA Meat Raffle, held in conjunction with an 8th grade fish fry. To purchase tickets call 937-9483.
Saturday, March 21-Annual Ladies Afternoon Affair, 1-4 pm, sponsored by Ladies Aux. of AH&L Fire Co. (13336 Broadway, Alden). Free admission, vendors, free raffles, free refreshments, and bake sale. Bring a canned good for the Alden/Marilla Food Pantry and receive an extra ticket for drawings.
Saturday, March 21-Friends of the Lancaster Public Library Fundraiser, 6-9 pm, Elk’s Lodge (33 Legion Parkway). Tickets $10, children 10 and under are free (available at the Lancaster Library). Seeking cash donations and auction baskets. For info. call Gary 440-4688 or the Library 683-1120.
Friday, March 27-Lenton Fish Fry, 4:30-7 pm, Corfu United Presbyterian Church (63 Alleghany St.), fish $10 or chicken Finger meal $9. Eat-in or take-out. Pre-sale tickets call 585-599-6414.
Saturday, March 28-Fisherman’s Flea Market, 9 am-3 pm, Alexander Fireman’s Rec. Hall (10708 Rt. 98). $2 (under age 12-free). Lunch can be purchased. Tables are $15. For more info. call Jim 585-591-0168 or Joe 716-440-0004.
Sunday, March 29-Great Batavia Train Show, 9:30 am-3:30 pm, Clarion Hotel (Park Rd., Batavia), vendor tables, door prizes, free parking. $5 adults, $2 under 18 and children under 13 are free. www.gsme.org.