These items will be up for bids at the auction.
An Andrew’s Army Blood Drive for unyts is being held on Saturday, October 18th in the Donate Life Express Bus from 7 am-noon at the Alden High school.
To make an appt. to donate blood visit, click the “Give Blood” icon and enter sponsor code 1780, call 512-7940 or see Mrs. Lori Gramza.
The blood drive is being held in conjunction with a live auction beginning at 10 am. at the high school. There will be raffles, music, food, refreshments, and 50/50 drawings throughout the day.
The auction preview is from 8-10 am. Auction begins at 10 am. Food trucks will be on site.
Childcare will be provided for parents interested in attending the auction.
To arrange for your donated items to be picked up call Dale at 572-3672.
All proceeds benefit Upstate New York Transplant Services.