Each year, the Erie County Historical Federation invites its member organizations to create displays for the Erie County Fair. The 2017 theme was Christmas Traditions in Our Town. For its display, the Alden Historical Society chose to follow a suggestion offered by society member Carol Borucki. Carol recommended that since Christmas is about “giving,” perhaps the Alden display ought to focus on the spirit of giving, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year, as in Ebenezer Scrooge’s quote from A Christmas Carol, “I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.” Toward that end, the display recognized several local charitable organizations/initiatives: Alden Car Show, Alden Community Scholarship Foundation, Alden Fire Dept., Alden Kiwanis Club, Alden Marilla Food Pantry, Andrew’s Army, Christmas in the Park, Heart & Hands, Neat Repeats, Pet Food Pantry, and Winterfest.
The display was created largely through the efforts of Conrad Borucki, historical society program director, with significant contributions from trustees Larry Kocher and Gil Dussault, AHS fair committee chairman. Society member Carl Matthies assisted with display set-up and dismantling. Society members Sandy Dussault, Kyle Dussault, Michelle Dussault, Paul Henry, and June Beyers volunteered their time supervising the federation building during the fair.